Product Lines   Roman, Inc. Gifts   Holiday Traditions
Ladybug Lore - Brings Good Luck to the Home

Item # 60501
The small, dainty ladybug has always been looked upon more favorably than most of Mother Nature's other bugs. Perhaps it is because of its association with good luck.

Dating back to the Middle Ages, farmers have appreciated the brightly colored bug, and considered it to bring good luck to the harvest because it eats the many pesky insects which infest their crops. Even apples, oranges, and roses frequently benefit from ladybugs taking up residence in their orchards and gardens.

There is a legend that tells of a long ago time when grain fields were being threatened with insects. The people from the village prayed long and hard, and in answer to their prayers, swarms of ladybugs arrived just in time to save the flourishing fields from total destruction. Just as finding a penny is a portent of good luck, so is finding a ladybug indoors during the winter months. With a lucky penny tucked away inside our unique ladybug hinged box, you are assured your home will be brimming with good fortune.

Retired December 1, 2001.

Ladybug Lore - Brings Good Luck to the Home Roman, Inc. Gifts Holiday Traditions Item # 60501
The small, dainty ladybug has always been looked upon more favorably than most of Mother Nature's other bugs. Perhaps it is because of its association with good luck.

Price: $9.99

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