Santa on the Go
Item # 13963 Santa is on the go again. Only this time, he is traveling all over the country to visit his loyal collectors and shopkeepers. Like many travelers, Santa just canít seem to travel "light." His suitcase is packed full, toys are stuffed into the sack on his back and Santa's "purse" is overflowingwith goodies. His one free hand is carrying a little evergreen tree, just in case he needs to set up a pretty display somewhere along the way. Santa really enjoys these trips to the many shops he visits. Children and adults wait in line for a chance to visit him and he wants to talk to each and every one of them. There are many smiles and much laughter, sharing of stories and often a hug or two. Shopkeepers fill trays with cookies and snacks to nourish the hungry travelers, and Christmas melodies fill the air. Sometimes, Santa will make a notation in a little book he carries with him, a reminder to send a child something special. He doesnít want to forget a thing! Soon it's time to say good-bye and Santa must pack up his things and be on his way to the next town or city where the next group of friends anxiously awaits him. Santa is on the go again! Watch for him. He many be coming to visit you very soon!Retirement Date December 9, 2004!
Santa on the Go Pipka Santas Memories Of Christmas Item # 13963 Santa is on the go again. Only this time, he is traveling all over the country to visit his loyal collectors and shopkeepers. Like many travelers, Santa just canít seem to travel li
Price: $105.00