Product Lines   Merry Christmas From Heaven   Framed Poems & Ornaments
Gold Framed Poem - Green 16 x 20 - Merry Christmas From Heaven 12LF

Gold Framed Poem - Green 16 x 20

Item # 12LF
24kt Gold Plated 16 x 20 Framed poem with Green border.

Merry Christmas From Heaven Poem reads:
~I still hear the songs I still see the lights I still feel your love on cold wintery nights
~I still share your hopes & all of your cares I'll even remind you to please say your prayers
~I just want to tell you you still make me proud You stand head & shoulders above all the crowd
~Keep trying each moment to stay in His grace I came here before you to help set your place
~You don't have to be perfect all of the time he forgices you the slip If you continue the climb
~To my family & friends please be thankful today I'm still close beside you In a new special way
~I love you all dearly now don't shed a tear Cause I'm spending my Christmas with Jesus this year

Gold Framed Poem - Green 16 x 20 Merry Christmas From Heaven Framed Poems & Ornaments Item # 12LF
24kt Gold Plated 16 x 20 Framed poem with Green border.

Merry Christmas From Heaven Poem reads:
~I still hear the songs I still see the lights I still feel your love on c
Price: $67.00

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