Product Lines   Harmony Kingdom   Treasure Jests P to Z
The Great Escape - Harmony Kingdom TJBP

The Great Escape

Item # TJBP
Three caged parrots are busy at work planning their escape. Peter's signature mouse is an unwitting accomplice as he performs for onlookers, distracting attention away from the soon-to-be fugitive birds. Peter says that he always wanted a parrot but that his pet cockatiel, Spike, would have nothing of it. Before the arrival of Peter's cat, Algy, Spike had free run of the house. Though he is now caged for his own safety, he still struts about Peter's studio shed. The dismembered fingers refer to what happens when one is tempted to pet a parrot.

The Great Escape Harmony Kingdom Treasure Jests P to Z Item # TJBP
Three caged parrots are busy at work planning their escape. Peter's signature mouse is an unwitting accomplice as he performs for onlookers, distracting attention away from the soon-to-
Price: $76.27
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