Product Lines   Harmony Kingdom   Treasure Jests P to Z
Turdus Felidae - Harmony Kingdom TJBR

Turdus Felidae

Item # TJBR
A robin has caught a mouse in its wings as it sits atop a cat that also has caught a mouse. This piece is the companion piece to "Caw of the Wild" and honors HK collectors Rob and Jay. On the lid you can find Rob & Jay's email so that you can respond to their question "Got any rumours?"

Retired April 15, 2004

Turdus Felidae Harmony Kingdom Treasure Jests P to Z Item # TJBR
A robin has caught a mouse in its wings as it sits atop a cat that also has caught a mouse. This piece is the companion piece to "Caw of the Wild" and honors HK collectors Rob and Jay.
Price: $81.77

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