Pelican Bay
Item # PXNB4 The pelican with the colander-style bill is earning annoyed glances from his two mates on this tile figurine. Even his lunch seems amused. Two armadillos take a swimming class, while the googley-eyed tiger above them hold a smell sock owned by his last meal. On his flank is a small filler cap with the letters "UL" for Unleaded, a reference to the Esso Tiger. The second tiger growls at a rabbit that has mistaken her tail for a blade of grass. At top right, a mole clutches a sheet of paper with "Mi6" written on it. There's lots of them there. Apparently.
Pelican Bay Harmony Kingdom Picturesque 'Noah's Park' Item # PXNB4 The pelican with the colander-style bill is earning annoyed glances from his two mates on this tile figurine. Even his lunch seems amused. Two armadillos take a swimming class, while
Price: $41.98