Love Shack
Item # TJWD The story of a bird returning from extinction was too amazing to ignore. The bird, the magnificent ivory-billed woodpecker, was believed to have disappeared from its Southern United States wetland habitat as it had not been sighted for many years. Then on February 27th, 2004, Bobby Harrison and Tim Gallagher spotted one in Arkansas. This was followed by an intensive search and more sightings. The plight of this woodpecker is far from over, but if it can regain a toehold, what an amazing recovery! Peter's model shows why the woodpecker has been so elusive over the years. He's hiding in his tree stump which is well stocked with food. Inscribed on the sliding lid is "Hi Cecil", a reference to Cecil Williams, the proprietor of Wild Birds of Ple
Love Shack Harmony Kingdom Mini Treasure Jests Item # TJWD The story of a bird returning from extinction was too amazing to ignore. The bird, the magnificent ivory-billed woodpecker, was believed to have disappeared from its Southern United Sta
Price: $75.00