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Mrs. Lillipurr's Lodgings

The local cats are carolling in the village square. All the moggies are of indeterminate heritage and are wearing mittens and scarves, except for a Siamese bundled up in a coat. The Siamese sits on a box of cat food labelled "Catto Meet Tonite." His tail droops down dangerously close to a sizzling brazier of "Perry's Hot Chestnuts." The brown cat in earmuffs atop the brazier is just now beginning to realise it's a little hotter than he originally thought. Under the brazier, a squirrel keeps warm and nicks some of the produce. Notice the three sheep peering out of a doorway just behind the brazier. On the other side of the tile, tacked to the donkey's stable, is Bo Peep's wanted poster offering a reward for their return. Above t

Mrs. Lillipurr's Lodgings Harmony Kingdom Limited Editions and Exclusives Item # PXXMASLECA
The local cats are carolling in the village square. All the moggies are of indeterminate heritage and are wearing mittens and scarves, except for a Siamese bundled up in a coat.
Price: $95.61
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