Item # HL276
Retirement Date: December 31, 2005!New Jersey's shore was prime real estate, even back in the eighteenth century. So who could resist the beautiful beaches and gorgeous views from Sea Haven Beach? Reuben Tucker couldn't, so he bought the land on the south end of Long BeachIsland in 1765, never knowing what would come of his investment.
Officials established a lighthouse on Tucker's Island in 1849 to accommodate shipping traffic that seemed to increase by the day. The sentinel was aptly named for the island it stood upon, Tucker's Island, while some called it Little Egg Lighthouse after the nearby harbor.
What was once a great investment became Tucker's folly. The sea took back the island, gobbling up hotels and cottages one by one. Finally, the keepers had to abandon the lighthouse in August of 1927, after less than fifty years of service. Gigantic waves from a Northeaster undermined the front portion of the structure.
A great grandson of one of the first keepers spent the night in the lighthouse on her final night in October 1927. The next morning, he stood with camera in hand to witness the beacon's demise. With each incoming wave, he was forced to step back as the beach disappeared beneath him. He photographed Tucker's Island Lighthouse tumbling into the sea.
Limited edition of 5000 pieces.
Tucker's Island, NJ Harbour Lights North Atlantic Region Item # HL276
Retirement Date: December 31, 2005!
New Jersey's shore was prime real estate, even back in the eighteenth century. So who could resist the beautiful beaches and gorgeous views from S
Price: $75.95