Product Lines   Harbour Lights   North Atlantic Region
Cape Neddick ME - Harbour Lights HL329

Cape Neddick ME

Item # HL329
The lighthouse also known as Nubble Light, is Maine's southernmost lighthouse, located off Cape Neddick, on York Beach. Cape Neddick got its nickname, Nubble, from the rocky island on which it sits.

In 1807 requests were made for a lighthouse at York Beach. In 1837 a construction proposal was rejected stating that there were already three lights in the area, and an additional beacon was not necessary. Boon Island, Whaleback and Portsmouth Harbor are all in close proximity. It took almost four decades before a lighthouse was finally established.

Construction of the lighthouse began in 1874. In 1879 the 41-foot cast-iron tower was lit and the fixed red light shone through the Fourth Order Fresnel Lens. In 1902 an oil house was added to the station.

A unique addition to this lighthouse, very rarely seen at any other lighthouse, is the tiny cast-iron lighthouses adorning the tops of the service gallery's balusters. It is not known how these charming touches were added, or whom the culprit was that did it.

Cape Neddick light has been a very popular tourist attraction over the years. One lighthouse keeper conducted daily tours for visitors, which developed into a thriving side business for the family. Another keeper was famous for his nineteen-pound cat, which tourists would try to catch a glimpse of while passing by the lighthouse. Mr. T was reportedly the best mouse catcher on the York coast and would swim the channel several times a day to visit his mainland feline friends.

This well loved lighthouse was automated in 1987 and the Coast Guard keeper was removed. Cape Neddick is still an active aid to navigation, maintained by the Coast Guard. Ownership of the beacon was transferred to the town of York in 1998. They have made many improvements, keeping this important piece of nautical history in pristine condition.

Limited Edition 5,500

Cape Neddick ME Harbour Lights North Atlantic Region Item # HL329
The lighthouse also known as Nubble Light, is Maine's southernmost lighthouse, located off Cape Neddick, on York Beach. Cape Neddick got its nickname, Nubble, from the rocky island on
Price: $99.00

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