Product Lines   Harbour Lights   Limited Editions
Point Sur California

Item # HL340
Lmited Edition of 4,500
Today as you drive along the beautiful Pacific Coast Highway past the huge volcanic rock that marks Point Sur, it is hard to imagine just how isolated this area was in the 1800s. Most travelers and cargo moved between Los Angeles and points south and San Francisco and points north via the Pacific Ocean. It could be dangerous sailing around Point Sur - a headland that stuck out because of the big rock - but one that was hidden in fog and the dark of night.

Mariners petitioned the U.S. Lighthouse Service for more than 10 years before money was finally allocated for a lighthouse at Point Sur in 1886.

On August 1, 1889, the head keeper lit the lamp of the huge first order Fresnel lens inside the lantern room fo

Point Sur California Harbour Lights Limited Editions Item # HL340
Lmited Edition of 4,500
Today as you drive along the beautiful Pacific Coast Highway past the huge volcanic rock that marks Point Sur, it is hard to imagine just how isolated this a
Price: $85.00

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