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Minot's Ledge, MA - Harbour Lights HL646

Minot's Ledge, MA

Item # HL646
Imagine yourself standing on a rocky ocean ledge, over a mile from the Massachusetts shoreline. The outcrop is only 40 feet square during low tide and is exposed for just a few hours at a time. Waves unexpectedly wash over your foothold, trying to sweep you away while you furiously hand-crank a drill through solid granite. You've got to drill nine holes five feet deep and over ten inches wide, so that crews can build a lighthouse on the dangerous perch you are balancing on. You drill for a year and a half. Could you do it?

Well, in 1847, thirty-four workmen did, living aboard a barge anchored near Minot's Ledge and drilling during every opportune moment. An iron pile lighthouse arose from the water, its design chosen because it was thought to have offered less resistance to the pounding waves. Unfortunately for this sentinel, the project engineer decided to omit the lower bracing, believing that it would lessen rather than add to the tower's strength. The lighthouse went into service on January 1st, 1850.

In April 1851, at the beginning of a storm of hurricane proportions, the head keeper left the lighthouse in the care of his two assistants. He tried to return the next day to relieve one of the men, but seas were too heavy. The storm continued to build, lasting several days and in the early evening of April 16th, the twisted tower was observed leaning toward shore. At 10 pm that night, people staying at a nearby hotel were jolted awake by the furious ringing of the lighthouse bell. At daybreak the next morning, observers found the tower gone, broken in the exact place where the eliminated braces would have been. The bodies of the courageous assistants were eventually recovered.

This unique sculpture depicts Minot's Ledge as it appeared just before its demise. Pounding waves engulf the structure and you can almost hear the frantic ringing of the bell. We wish to honor the brave souls who guarded over Minot's Ledge and perished at sea.

Minot's Ledge, MA Harbour Lights Great Lighthouses Of The World Item # HL646
Imagine yourself standing on a rocky ocean ledge, over a mile from the Massachusetts shoreline. The outcrop is only 40 feet square during low tide and is exposed for just a few hours a
Price: $215.00

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