Rock a Bye Baby Santa - G. Debrekht Artistic Studios 51511
Item # 51511-2 G. DeBrekht proudly bring you the most beautiful, authentic Russian art in these extraordinary new 2004 introductions. Exquisite Santas, Snowmen and Bears created in Old World magnificence with hand-painted scenes of incredible beauty; each piece is meticulously hand-crafted and is limited to 1,200 pieces."Rock a Bye Baby" Santa is the Second Edition in the Night Before Christmas Collection. Santa holds the evening star staff that identifies the collection, and a surprise on the back of his robe: a little girl rocks her dolls to sleep. This piece plays "Rock a Bye Baby"
Rock a Bye Baby Santa G. Debrekht Artistic Studios Derevo Collection - Musical Santa Item # 51511-2 G. DeBrekht proudly bring you the most beautiful, authentic Russian art in these extraordinary new 2004 introductions. Exquisite Santas, Snowmen and Bears created in Old World magnif
Price: $120.00