Item # 55320
2003 Holiday Starter Set. Click here to see the rest of the 2003 Starter Sets. Includes train, station, tree, track, snow & adapter.
Turn your train of thought to this small town station, where joyful reunions bring Christmas to family and friends under a hanging "Welcome Home" banner. The musical tune "There's No Place Like Home For The Holidays" fills the air, along with sounds of the train as it nears the station. Laden with packages and holiday trees and plenty of ho, ho, ho, even Santa can't resist bringing Christmas to town on this train.
2003 limited edition.
Home For The Holidays Express Gift Set of 11 Department 56 Original Snow Village - Buildings Item # 55320
2003 Holiday Starter Set. Click here to see the rest of the 2003 Starter Sets.
Includes train, station, tree, t
Price: $198.76