Product Lines   Boyds Bearstones   The Crumpletons
Liddy Pearl - Boyds Bearstones 73109

Liddy Pearl

Item #73109
Inspired by the limited edition Folkstone of the same name, our Liddy Pearl Crumpleton bear makes a great gift for a gardener...comes with a giant-size sunflower!

Boyds brand new group of mixed media masterpieces combine resin, foam, and fabric mache to give a "crumpled appearance" to our favorite critters. Retiring Fall 2002.

Liddy Pearl Boyds Bearstones The Crumpletons Item #73109
Inspired by the limited edition Folkstone of the same name, our Liddy Pearl Crumpleton bear makes a great gift for a gardener...comes with a giant-size sunflower!

Boyds brand new gr
Price: $63.68

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