Abby T. Bearymuch... Yours Truly
Item # 227742 "Abby was feeling blue - it was the kinda day when nuthin' was going right. And then someone did sumptin' extra special that made all that frustration just melt away. Abby was so touched, she wanted to show her appreciation. She gathered a bouquet of posies and made her own card (you can lift it out of Abby's hand to read the sweet sayings!). Abby is our first Bearstone piece standing' in a pigeon-toed position." Retiring Fall 2002.
Abby T. Bearymuch... Yours Truly Boyds Bearstones Take Time To Say Item # 227742 Abby was feeling blue - it was the kinda day when nuthin' was going right. And then someone did sumptin' extra special that made all that frustration just melt away. Abby was so to
Price: $28.49