Murphy's Mill & Bakery - Boydsenbeary Acres
Item #19044 Murphy's been grindin' wheat into flour for years down at the old Mill and Bakery. His pappy built the mill back in the good ol' days using clapboard for the roof, brick for the smokestack, and limestone from the creek for the walkways and siding. The Bakery Folks are # 19544-1.Murphy's mom made the place famous for her homemade breads and buns...folks still travel from far and wide for a loaf of breakfast bread and a bagel or two...using the Murphy's famous quick-rise recipe! The bakers start mixin' the batter in the wee hours of the mornin' and by noontime, that familiar aroma of hot cross buns and other goodies fill the country air.Murphy used to give tours till he found out someone ws tryin' to swipe the family's secret recipe...he's hired Billy Bob to keep a close eye on the place. But Billy Bob's no private eye...he'd rather swim upstream and search for sunken treasure!
Murphy's Mill & Bakery - Boydsenbeary Acres Boyds Bearstones Bearly-Built Village Item #19044 Murphy's been grindin' wheat into flour for years down at the old Mill and Bakery. His pappy built the mill back in the good ol' days using clapboard for the roof, brick for the smoke
Price: $40.06