Boyds Town Depot...Bearsylvannia Station
Item # 19018 "Just like its inspiration in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the old brick, stone, and tin-roof structure attracts travelers from all walks - some takin' day trips from the big city, others leavin' on the Midnight Train for parts unknown. Everyone knows not to trust the schedule. In the meantime, why not warm yer paws in front of the potbelly stove or stop and chat with the guy at the ticket counter? Alphonse will keep ya company--just figures he's hidin' right under the "No Loitering" sign!"
Boyds Town Depot...Bearsylvannia Station Boyds Bearstones Bearly-Built Village Item # 19018 Just like its inspiration in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the old brick, stone, and tin-roof structure attracts travelers from all walks - some takin' day trips from the big city, othe
Price: $65.72