Madge's Beauty Salon & Bait Shop Accessories - Boyds Bearstones 19510
Item #19510-1 Folks are always comin' and goin' at Madge's Beauty Salon. Ida and Gladys, in for a trim, are sharin' a copy of Madge's gossip mag. Momma's draggin' Timmy in for a buzz cut-he ain't much for the sweet-smellin' hairspray! Twila Bearymore couldn't be more thrilled with her mile-high beehive-just right for a special night! This is a 3 piece set. Retiring in 2001.
Madge's Beauty Salon & Bait Shop Accessories Boyds Bearstones Bearly-Built Village Item #19510-1 Folks are always comin' and goin' at Madge's Beauty Salon. Ida and Gladys, in for a trim, are sharin' a copy of Madge's gossip mag. Momma's draggin' Timmy in for a buzz cut-he ain't
Price: $26.88