Product Lines   Boyds Bearstones   Americana Bears
Yankee Doodlebear... Stars & Stripes Forever - Boyds Bearstones 2277921

Yankee Doodlebear... Stars & Stripes Forever

Item # 2277921
Yankee's proud to be a Bear in America! This patriotic piece is just right for folks in the armed services and any person who's feelin' the patriotic spirit!

"God Bless America" - Irving Berlin

Limited Edition of 6,000 pieces

Yankee Doodlebear... Stars & Stripes Forever Boyds Bearstones Americana Bears Item # 2277921
Yankee's proud to be a Bear in America! This patriotic piece is just right for folks in the armed services and any person who's feelin' the patriotic spirit!

God Bless America -
Price: $12.65

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