Alice Clipensnip with Pita... No Charge
Item #227774 Alice knows the customer is always right...unless the customer is a picky lil' bear cub named Pita who's askin' for the impossible-a bee hive hairdo with only two inches of hair on her tiny lil' head. Our tribute to hairdressers features Pita set on a spring (she's been ejected from the barber's chair) and both clippers and hairdryer with real metal cords!Retired February 2005!
Alice Clipensnip with Pita... No Charge Boyds Bearstones All In A Days Work Item #227774 Alice knows the customer is always right...unless the customer is a picky lil' bear cub named Pita who's askin' for the impossible-a bee hive hairdo with only two inches of hair on h
Price: $33.77